The “Inspired” block is a free-to-download pattern that you can access here. For the background story behind this block, you can check out this earlier post.
I am now finished with the “Inspired” quilt top, and I feel so happy by just staring at it! The colors are so warm and cheerful!
I tested various layouts with the “Inspired” block, and I was amazed at the versatility of it! The first one below is the closest to the original inspiration (an old upholstery fabric at a restaurant) for the block both in terms of layout and color choices.
While I liked pretty much all these layouts, the one that I ended up choosing in the end is more striking that these, in my opinion. So, are you ready for the reveal?

Now I need to decide what kind of quilting to do to finish this project. I don’t want the quilting to take away from the striking contrast of colors orthe distinct patterns on the fabric, so I’m leaning toward a simple design. Do you have any suggestions?